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Функции сообщества на этом сайте поддерживаются компонентом Joomla/Mambo Community Builder

Community Builder™ (CB) is the complete Social Networking software solution for Joomla™ that is used by this website to support its membership management.

This Joomla extension is the most popular Joomla component on the Joomla Extensions Directory.

It comes with 6 built-in free CB templates, but more cool and fast Joomla templates are available.

Community Builder has over 200 CB solutions add-ons, both free and commercial that can extend the functionality of any Joomla website. One of these is the paid memberships software solution, CBSubs™, that can manage paid subscriptions to access your website content. Many more exciting CB plugins are in our CB incubator.

Finally, for those wanting a turnkey Online Social Network, offers business-class Joomla hosting, including a one-click social networking website installer.

Software: Copyright 2004-2013, MamboJoe/JoomlaJoe, Beat and CB team. This component is released under the GNU/GPL version 2 License. All copyright statements must be kept. Derivate work must prominently duly acknowledge original work and include visible online links. Official site:

Please note that the authors and distributors of this software are not affiliated nor related in any way with the site owners using this free software here, and declines any warranty regarding the content and functions of this site.


Community Builder includes following components:
Application License
Icons (old icons) /go.php?url=/go.php?url=
Icons GNU Lesser General Public License
Tabs Apache License, Version 2.0
Calendar GNU Lesser General Public License
Jason's Calendar Dynamic Drive terms of use License
overLib /go.php?url=/go.php?url=
Snoopy GNU Lesser General Public License
PHPMailer GNU Lesser General Public License
PHP Input Filter (forge) GNU General Public License
BestMenus Open Source GPL (GNU General Public License) v2
jQuery MIT license

Информационный проект «ГОРОД ДЕТСТВА-Киров» - это журнал и сайт для родителей, призванный помочь найти ответы на интересующие вопросы о воспитании, здоровье и отдыхе детей. Этот проект предназначен для счастливых мам и пап, а также беременных женщин. Мы будем рады, если Вы найдете для себя что-то полезное.

Случайный пользователь

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